Features of the landscape on Mars – new discoveries      Heavy hydrogen used in nuclear energy and water turned out to be older than Earth      Hydrogen rush: the world is in full swing with the introduction of new hydrogen fuel      Europa, a moon of Jupiter, generates enough oxygen to breathe for a million people during the day      Saturn’s moons: organic compounds discovered on Enceladus; Mimas has a subglacial ocean      Carbonaceous materials from an asteroid, chelates and soda lakes: scientists are closer to understanding the origin of life      Researchers are studying layers of water ice on Mars      NASA has recognized the existence of life on Mars in the past and present      The James Webb Space Telescope has proven that complex organic compounds are present even in the most ancient galaxies of the Universe      The era of liquid water on Mars ended three billion years ago      The modern landscape on Mars was formed by major floods, and there is still oxygen in the atmosphere      Evidence of the possibility of extraterrestrial origin of life found on an asteroid      Water on the surface of Mars is preserved in rocks      Seasons have shifted by about 10-20 days      Subglacial water and organic hydrocarbons discovered on Saturn's moon Titan
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